Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Magnetic Sense of Dolphins

In recent research, scientists have found evidence that dolphins have a sense called magnetoreception, meaning they can perceive magnet signals.  This would mean that they could use the Earth's magnetic field to navigate through the oceans more precisely This would be a useful skill in follwing the migration patterns that lead them thousands of miles through the ocean.  Other animals are considered to have this skill, including: "turtles, rodents, insects, bats and even deer" says Dorothee Kremers, who works as an animal behaviorist expert at the Rennes University in France.  Researchers discovered this by using two identical barrels dropped into water, one was magnetized while the other was not, and then recorded how the dolphins reacted.  The dolphins swam much ftser over to the magnetized barrel than the unmagnetized one, which has lead them to believe that they can sense its magnetic field.  It is still unclear how dolphins can detect the Earth's magnetic field, it is possibly due to ferromagnetic particles in the dolphin's cells.



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