Monday, October 20, 2014

Sneaky Sleeper Sharks

Recent studies conducted by Markus Horning of the Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University suggest that the slow moving sleeper shark may be preying on Stellar sea lions.  Until recently it was widely believed that the incredibly slow sleeper shark, it only swims at 2 mph at most, were mostly scavengers but now these views have changed.  Horning has been tracking juvenile Stellar seals for 17 years and during this time he has recorded several strange deaths that are reported by the tags on the seals.  These tags indicate that the seals were killed by a cold blooded predator in deep water.  These findings make many believe that it was the cold blooded and sea floor dwelling sleeper sharks.  These sharks can grow larger than great whites and fishing records show that a there may be many sharks lurking in the depths.  These findings are non conclusive and more research is on going and may soon shed more light on these strange instances.

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