Monday, November 17, 2014

Salty Farming

In the past few decades dew to rising sea levels and loss of fresh water preserves, a necessity for crops that can be grown in saline conditions has developed and researchers in the Netherlands seem to have come up with a solution.  A dutch researcher has been growing crops in varying saline conditions to test whether certain crops can survive in salt water.  His experiments have resulted in great success and he has identifies several species of potato and carrot that can not only survive but thrive in salty water.  These discoveries will have huge impacts in the future as the availability of freshwater decreases and oceans rise.  Many countries today suffer from a severe lack of fertile soil due to salinity, one such country, Pakistan, is receiving four different varieties of potato to grow there.  If this research continues to find success it may be an answer to many farmers prayers who live near the coasts or are running out of ready fresh water.

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